July 20 -21 2019 we will be celebrating the achievements of Apollo 11 and those who worked at the NASA Carnarvon Tracking Station. We will be holding a cocktail party at the museum on the evening of Saturday July 20. We will have a panel of ex Trackers discussing their time at the Tracking Station, live entertainment, telescopes to view the planets and a whole lot more. Tickets will cost $50pp and will be available from the Carnarvon Visitor Centre in March.
To help you remember the celebrations I am arranging new souvenirs for the 50th which include patches, T-Shirts and more. These will be available for sale in our shop.
It’s quite possible that this weekend will be quite busy in Carnarvon, so I’d suggest booking your flights, accommodation and your tickets to our Gala Cocktail party sooner rather than later.

Annual museum memberships are now due. Your contribution assists us to “keeping the memory alive”. I have plans for future growth and making our visitor experiences even better. We are all volunteers, so every cent does go directly to keep us running. We are well and truly Carnarvon’s number one tourist destination.


At our AGM this year we’ve seen a couple of committee members finish up and a couple more come on board. Thank you to Jill & Bluey Dwyer for being part of the museum over the past few years. Your help has been invaluable. We do welcome retired NASA Tracking Station member Teenie Bopper (Lauri Glocke) and former OTC/SciTech employee Denham Dunstall. Lauri is now our secretary and Denham a committee member. Denham has already assisted the museum over several years with tech support and assisting with new displays.
Thank you for your interest in our museum and we hope to see you in Carnarvon soon.

Phil Youd